Web Design Company Tips For Designing ECommerce Websites



Digitization combined with the pandemic has led to a shift in consumer attitudes and preferences away from brick-and-mortar retail and toward digital stores and outlets. Companies that already have or are working to build a solid e-commerce system are, or will therefore be, far ahead of their competition.
Want to develop eCommerce websites that attract potential customers, provides a great user experience and presents your business in the best light? Here are five tips from a Web design company in India to help you get started.

1) Make your product pages easy to navigate

You should set a clear structure for your products and ensure that your product categories and product pages are easy to navigate. On eCommerce websites, products are the most crucial section. Therefore, it is essential to consider how best to list your products and make it easy for your visitors to access them.
If eCommerce websites are designed in such a way that visitors have to click on ten different menus before they find the product they want, they will spend no time hightailing out and into your competitor’s eCommerce websites.

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Source Image: baymard
2) Make branding a priority

Define your brand and incorporate that brand into your design and content. When it comes to online shopping, consumers want to buy from established brands, not faceless e-commerce sites.
Therefore, you need to put some serious thought into who you are as a business and how you differentiate yourself from your competitors. This plays a significant role in connecting with your audience and boosting sales, says eCommerce websites design company in India.

3) Test on all screen sizes

Studies show that mobile has overtaken desktop as the most popular way to consume web content, including shopping.
Hence, ensuring that your eCommerce websites work well on different screen sizes and devices is imperative.
Regardless of what type of screen your customers are using, your eCommerce websites should be up to par to provide them with a pleasant shopping experience. This web design approach known as “Responsive Design.”
Track the checkout process on different devices to ensure that the shopping experience is perfect from start to finish on every possible device.

4) Discount Codes

Discounts are a great way to pique the interest of your visitors. However, you should be smart about it because discounts cut into your profit margin. You can make your discount and promotions more effective by – adding an expiration date, offering a discount on specific products or purchase areas, and offering a discount code only to new visitors.

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Source Image: pinterest
5) Easy Checkout

According to the best web design company in India, nothing hurts your sales faster than a clunky checkout page on eCommerce websites. Try to make checkout as straightforward as possible, and you will see an increase in your conversion rate.
Little things like options that allow your customers to register for your site. Or check out as guests can make a big difference. Make everything about the checkout process clear: what information you need to process the purchase, what shipping options are available, and what to do if there’s a problem with the order or a return is required. Once the checkout process is complete, direct your customers to a confirmation page.
Follow these steps to improve your customer’s buying experience and increase your conversion rate.

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Source image- eCommerce booth
6) Show scarcity

Which products are usually out of stock, do you know? Yes, you are correct. These are the top sellers for the company.
Customers regularly pay extra attention to products with sold-out, limited-stock, or out-of-stock tags on the homepage or category pages.
A product’s scarcity can affect the psychology of purchasers.
If they worry about missing out on products. They will make impulsive purchases thus increasing your sales.

7) Thank You Pages

When a customer completes a transaction on eCommerce websites pages. They should be directed to a thank you page.
There are a few very significant functions that this page fulfills.
To properly track conversions from social media marketing, order confirmation or thank you pages are a requirement.
Second, it gives customers peace of mind that their transaction was successful and shows them that you value their business.

ecommerce websites
Source Image: site checker pro

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